A single monthly payment to help with living costs.
What it is:
Replaces six previous benefits: Income Support, Housing Benefit, Jobseeker's Allowance, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Working Tax Credit, and Child Tax Credit.
Based on your household's income and circumstances.
Who can claim:
– People aged 18-64 (with few exceptions) living in the UK.– Those on a low income or out of work.– People unable to work due to illness or disability.
How it works:
– Apply online or by phone.– Your claim is assessed based on your income and needs.– You receive a monthly payment, with additional amounts for specific circumstances (e.g., children).– Your payment may change if your income or circumstances change.
Key features:
– Monthly payments: Instead of receiving several benefits on different schedules, you get one payment.– Conditionality: Claimants may need to take steps to find work or increase their earnings to continue receiving full benefits.
– Online account: Manage your claim, report changes, and see your payment schedule.
Things to consider:
– Applying can be complex, and support is available.
– The system has faced criticism for delays, sanctions, and difficulties for some claimants.
– Rules and conditions can be complex, so it's important to understand your eligibility and responsibilities.